Christine is a Heat Hero!
22nd Jul 2016

CAN is very proud to announce that one of our team, Christine Nicholls, has been officially recognised as a Heat Hero.
Run by National Energy Action in partnership with Scottish Power, the Heat Heroes Awards aim to recognise individuals who have gone ‘above and beyond’ to help people living in fuel poverty in their local community. This can be through work or through voluntary activities outside of the workplace. Not-forprofit organisations including local authorities, health and social care agencies, voluntary and statutory agencies and community groups were eligible to apply for the award.
Fifteen winners have been chosen for this year and will be presented with their awards at the House of Commons in early September. Our very own Christine Nicholls, Community Development Officer, is one of the very proud and deserving recipients.
Nominated by 10 separate organisations, Christine leads CAN’s
work on fuel poverty and energy. She is part time and often attends events and training in her own time, which has included Christmas Day in the past. Christine’s future plans are to work with young people to educate and involve them in the fight against fuel poverty. She hopes to establish energy forums across the county run by young people to give them an opportunity to have their say in the community and to take action and make a difference.
Her determination, hard work and vision have helped her reach over
6,100 people. She came up with the idea for the very successful Warm Hubs project – which is now being rolled out across the county. Christine has been proactive in organising and promoting energy events to help the fuel poor. This has included extensive community engagement and individual support; organising Christmas hampers and giving fuel poverty support to Northern Gas Networks. She helped support the Central Heating Fund and other schemes and has done much more – all with a smile on her face.
Congratulations, well done and many thanks Christine.