Farewell to Louise Currie
20th Mar 2024

We say goodbye to Louise Currie, our Village Halls Adviser, who is retiring after 23 years of working for CAN.
Louise has written some words to say thanks for all the kind wishes, cards and gifts. It goes without saying she will be sorely missed by all her colleagues and trustees of CAN. We wish her a wonderful retirement!
Over to Louise for the final say:
Thanks and goodbye!
Here are a few words of thanks to everyone I have worked with, in my time with this amazing organisation, before I hurtle into retirement!
I started with the then Community Council of Northumberland, almost 24 years ago, as a Community Development worker in the Coalfield Area. I left for a handful of years to take up a couple of other jobs, but returned to this wonderful organisation, 18 years ago as Village Halls Adviser and can truly say , that this has been the best job I have ever had, and the best organisation to work for. Even back then, I knew that I would remain with Community Action Northumberland for the rest of my working career.
I reduced my days from five, to three a couple of years ago, to get a better work/life balance and in readiness for retirement.
I am so proud to have worked for this wonderful organisation, which genuinely understands and supports rural communities better than any other I know. It also offers a wholly supportive working environment for the staff and attracts wonderful people. Testament to the organisation – they stay. I will miss my lovely colleagues, who have become my friends.
Importantly, I will miss the trustees of village halls who work tirelessly, managing their buildings for the benefit of their communities. I have known many of these people since I started in the role … I often joke that once you are a trustee of a village hall, you can never leave…!! I also consider lots of these people, my friends.
So, whilst I will miss my role and the people, I am looking forward to retirement. I will be able to spend more time with my husband Colin, walking and running, gardening and renovating our lovely cottage and just enjoying life. I also look forward to spending more time with our children and our grandchildren. I am sure that I will see lots of you out and about, and that will be a bonus.
Can I give a collective ‘Thank you’ to everyone, for all the cards, gifts, good wishes and memories. There are far too many, for me to send individual thanks, but I would like you to know how much they are appreciated
I have been blessed to have had such a happy career with CAN.
Many thanks to you all, Louise xx